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  • Writer's picturemeowdini

More than a quarter of Romanians believe that joining the EU has brought disadvantages to Romania. Over 40% believe that MEPs should fight more for the rights of Romanians SURVEY

  • This article is based on a survey conducted by INSCOP at the request of

  • The survey was conducted in April 2024 and has a margin of error of +/- 3%.

  • The results of the survey are as follows:

Views on Romania's EU membership

  • 47.6% of Romanians believe that joining the EU has brought more advantages to Romania (compared to 35.2% in 2014).

  • 21.9% believe that it has brought neither advantages nor disadvantages (compared to 41.5% in 2014).

  • 27.7% believe that it has brought more disadvantages (compared to 19.9% in 2014).

  • 2.8% don't know or didn't answer this question (compared to 3.4% in 2014).

Priorities for Romanian MEPs

  • 42.3% of Romanians believe that the priority of MEPs who will represent Romania after the June 9 elections should be to fight for Romanians to have the same rights as other European citizens.

  • The second priority is full integration into the Schengen Area, including land borders.

Awareness of EU institutions

  • Only around 25% of Romanians consider themselves to be well informed about the activities of the European institutions, including the European Parliament, the European Commission and the European Council.

  • The rest consider themselves to be rather uninformed.

Overall, the survey results suggest that Romanian public opinion on the EU is mixed. While there is a majority who believe that EU membership has brought benefits to Romania, there is also a significant minority who believe that it has brought disadvantages. This suggests that there is a need for more information and education about the EU among the Romanian public.

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