The Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs has released details regarding the new structure of the personal identification number (CNP) following the implementation of the Integrated Information System for Issuing Civil Status Acts.
Key Changes to CNP Structure
The new CNP consists of 13 digits, divided into three parts: a significant part, a sequential part, and a control digit.
Significant Part (7 Digits)
The significant part comprises seven digits that indicate the person's sex, century, and date of birth in the format SAALLZZ:
S represents the person's sex and century of birth:
1 for males born between 1900-1999
2 for females born between 1900-1999
3 for males born between 1800-1899
4 for females born between 1800-1899
5 for males born between 2000-2099
6 for females born between 2000-2099
AALLZZ represents the date of birth and includes the last two digits of the birth year (AA), the birth month (LL) between 01 and 12, and the birth day (ZZ) between 01 and 28, 29, 30, or 31, as applicable.
Sequential Part (5 Digits)
The sequential part consists of five digits in the format JJNNN, with the following significance:
JJ represents the sequence assigned to the county or sector where the person was born or resided at the time of CNP issuance
NNN represents a sequence number (between 001 and 999) assigned to attribution points to differentiate individuals of the same sex, born in the same location, and with the same date of birth (year, month, day).
Control Digit (1 Digit)
The control digit (C) is generated by the system and serves to detect potential errors in the transposition or inversion of digits within the CNP.
Standardization of County Code
Regarding the sequential part's JJ ("county code"), the personal identification numbers automatically generated by the Integrated Information System for Issuing Civil Status Acts will include the unique code 70 for all registrations, regardless of the county/location of birth.
Ensuring Accuracy and Uniqueness
The revised CNP structure aims to enhance the accuracy and uniqueness of personal identification numbers in Romania, facilitating efficient identification and record-keeping for administrative and other purposes.
#Romania #CNP #PersonalIdentificationNumber #MinistryOfInternalAffairs #NewStructure #SignificantPart #SequentialPart #ControlDigit #CountyCode #meowdininews #mdinicoin